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Advanced Analysis And Design Of Concrete Structures

This course focuses on the advanced analysis and design of concrete structures. This includes nonlinear behavior both at Ultimate Limit States (ULS) and Serviceability Limit States (SLS). Furthermore, this course includes several topics as Strut-and-Tie Method as well as specific subjects as prestressing, fire behavior and fibre reinforced concrete.
Más información
Previous knowledge in the following areas is needed: Structural analysis. Computer Science. Prestressed and reinforced concrete. Concrete and steel structures
Guía de aprendizaje completa ICCP
Guía de aprendizaje completa IECM
Temario resumido
- Material nonlinear behaviour
- Slender elements
- Behaviour of structures in seismic areas
- SLS behaviour
- Behaviour of structures subjected to fire
- Fibre reinforced concrete
- Strut-and-tie method applied to structural elements
- Specific topics on prestressing