
Master's Degree program on Civil Engineering Systems (MUSIC), with a course load of 60 credits (ECTS), is offered through two different Itineraries: Technological Itinerary and Research Itinerary, which is aimed to students who that meet the requirements of the UPM and want to start doctoral studies. All lectures and exams are in Spanish. Lectures are face to face. Duration: 1 academic year.

The Master in Civil Engineering Systems is under the authority of the School of Civil Engineering, belonging to the Universiad Politécnica de Madrid (Technical University of Madrid). All degrees from the Civil Engineering School have developed a quality assurance system (SGIC), whose overall assessment by the ANECA has been positive in March 2010.

Through the AUDIT the procedures for new titles (PR/ES/2/001) has been designed for verification of new titles (PR/ES/2/002), to regulate mentoring (PR/CL/2.1 / 003), tutorials (PR/CL/2.1/004), mobility of students with Spanish and foreign universities (PR/CL/2.3/001 and 002), as well as the enrollment procedures (PR/CL/4/001 ) in both, the AUDIT program and VERIFICA program. These procedures must be applied to the program meeting its the quality and control objectives. PhD. Manuel Romana, Assistant Director of University Extension and Quality of the Civil Engineering School is the person in charge of Quality by the Official Program for Postgraduate On Civil Engineering Systems.   The admission procedures will be managed through the UPM Web Site. 80 places available.

The education structure has this scheme.  

Itineraries' scheme

General Objectives of the Master The common aim of both MUSIC itineraries is to train graduates with abilities and skills in advanced technologies in the field of civil engineering. More exactly, the objective of the Technological Itinerary is to provide an technology training focused to lead teams of planning, design, construction and operation of water infrastructure or transport and analysis of territorial and environmental effects. In the other hand, The Research Itinerary is oriented to the development of academic career or to form part of the departments of research, development and innovation of companies engaged in civil engineering.

Academical, Scientific and Professional Orientation The Master's subject matter are the civil engineering infrastructure systems, with special emphasis on its interaction with the spatial planning. The proposed program focuses, under a comprehensive approach, the design, construction and management of civil engineering infrastructure systems.  Using this approach, planners and designers can give the process the neccessary flexibility to adapt to changing situations and improve system performance. On the other hand, the technical solution of engineering problems must be viewed from the objective of prudent use of economic and environmental resources.  

The Doctorate Program There's a Doctorate Program in Civil Engineering Systems (DOSIC) linked to the Master in Civil Engineering (MUSIC). For more information, please visit its official Web Site:



The departments involved in teaching and research activities:

The training period of the doctoral program is provided by the Researcher Itinerary of the Master on Civil Engineering Systems.

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