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Research groups

1 - Transport planning (integrated in TRANSyT) Economy and transport financing
Analysis and modeling of transport and its effects
Territory and transport Integrated planning t
2 - Hydroinformatics and Water Management Modelling and control of hydroelectric systems
Mathematical modeling and physical systems
Planning and management of water resources
Security of water infrastructure
Intelligent systems and knowledge engineering
3 - Treatment and sustainable resource management
Anaerobic treatment of sludge and waste
Membrane Treatment
Nutrient removal
Biodegradability of effluent respirometric methods
Membrane Disinfection
4 -  Sea, coastal and dock environment Climate and coastal flood zones
Coastal and environmental integrated management
Reliability in sea works
Phisical models
Management of sensitive areas
Integrated management and dynamics of river mouths estuaries
Sea energies
5 - Sea and port engineering Coasts and ports
Renewable energy
Environmental risks and sustainable development
Logistics and port operating
Cooperation for the development
6 - Highway Engineering Road for sustainable development
Road surface designing
Quality and service level in roads
Traffic management and and road safety
Road planning
Geometric design techniques for transport infrastructure
7 - Logística y Explotación del Transporte y Gestión Operativa. Let & Go. Ferrocarriles de alta velocidad
Data mining para la planificación y explotación de puertos
Explotación y planificación de puertos.
Integration of wind systems in the network
Hydraulic irrigation
Groundwater resources. Hydrogeology applied to public works
Esthetics of Public Works


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